Saturday, December 27, 2008

starting from now.......

starting from now...........
u know what?
today i have a lot of things that i need to do..
i wake up this morning earlier than ussual...what a suprised!!
i starting my day with.....
packing all my needs that i want to bring back to my hostel..
because tomorrow i will go back to my ' lovely ' hostel at TTU in malacca..
time is running out!!
actually i have my ' holiday ' for a month after i end my exam physic's paper on 20th of November 2008.. then i make a decision that i want go back home on 24th of November 2008 with Niina!! my lovely friend in UTeM...i'm too excited at that time!
but when the break was beginning it's not very enjoyable break!
a lot of things that happen during my break...
u want to know?
no thanks..huhuhu..sob3~~
but u dont worry because i will write about it in 'special edition' !!
ok back to the first!
now i have already packing all my needs into my 'big' bag..huhuhu..
i dont know how to make a choose..
i bring all my t-shirt..but i still left some of my t-shirt at my room...
but when i look back to my!! a lot of t-shirt..
haish...i need to make a good choose!
ok just forget it!
i'm so tired to think about it!
ok i'm gonna end my story now!
so see u later in the ' special edition ' journey keyh!!

today ~~

on 26th of December 2008,
it's too many things that happen to me on that day!!
huhu..lambat giler aku bangun hari ni..aku bangun je dari tidur terus masok ke dapur..buat apa?? masak la...takkan main-main kot kat dapur kan? bahaya tau kalu main-main kat dapur..
back to my story just now!
hari aku masak apa? ala goreng sayur [ carrot, brokoli, n cendawan shitake ]..campur kan semua sekali..then masok sos tiram..haish favourite adik-adik aku tu.. itu je yang aku masakkan untuk diorang..then aku minta tolong kat angah belikan lauk-lauk tambahan yang diorang teringin nak makan..hermmm.................
kenapa aku kena masak?
sebab parent aku takda kat m'sia sekarang nih..they still in europe..
almost 2 weeks they 've stayed at there..
kenapa aku tak join vacation tu?
hurm...result exam tak berapa nak bagus..jadi tu yang kena tinggal kat m'sia tuh..
best nya my parent da pusing satu europe tu sepanjang 2 minggu berada kat today they will coming back to m'sia..flight dari armsterdam pukul 10 mlm waktu armsterdam..
so insyaAllah they will arrive at m'sia about 7 a.m. waktu m'sia..
aku kene la jemput meraka kat airport esok!! act. smlm my dad said that i xpyh la jmput mereka sbb my dad nak minta tolong pd uncle uncle azam balik t'ganu pulak..
awal2 aku kene bangun dari tidur..
hey da berapa jauh da aku menyimpang???
aku nak citer kan psl hidup aku hari ni..tapi serius aku ckp aku tak da mood tau nak layan adik-adik aku kat rumah ni skrg..bad mood giler..!! lps siap masak, aku pon pergi
' bersiram '....hehehe..bkn tak nak layan mereka tapi sikap mereka sepanjang beberapa hari ni amat menyakitkan hati aku..they too MUCH!! bring their friend go back home and they online from the day until night!!..then aku terus online sampai la skrg nih..
so i think that i want to stop writing now..
lenguh betol jari ni asyik menaip aje dari td..
ok gudbye all bloggers!!
i want to sleep now..

Friday, December 26, 2008


you know what? yesterday was thursday ( 25th of december 2008 ) first result ( semester 1 ) in UTeM...huhuhu..not so good..just in the middle..not in the middle of east okeyh! i check my result in my portal..when i see it, i'm not too happy..because it's not so first , i want to keep it secret without telling my parent..because now my parent are not in m'sia..they still in europe..but a day before i register myself back to the hostel my parent will coming back what can i do? still keep my mouth shut up or telling them the truth? in the midnight, my parent make a call from europe just want to tell me that i dont have to pick them at klia after they arrive at klia..u know what, in the meantime my parent ask me about my i dont have any choice.. i've to tell them..when i'm telling them about it, i think their impression is disappointed..because i'm not too success on it.. after i chatting with them, my friend nina call me from sabah..she also worry about the impression of her parent towards her she still not telling their parent abaout it..back to my story! i chatting with nina within 2 hours on the phone..appart of our chat is we have make our new vission for next sem..we have to struggle n always meet the lecturer n be good among our friend [classmate].....erm....after chatting with her, i go to sleep..........end of that day!!!

first saw!!

assalamualaikum semua....
hai actually i'm not a real bloggers..
but i still can write anything that i want, right?
who knows maybe after this i can be the best writer..
i hope all 'senior' bloggers can give support to me..
all of u can give any comment +ve or -ve about my blog k..
ok now......
i'll start my blog!!yeah!!